Week 3

  1. In your area, what were your team's goals for the past week?
    1. To create a one track for the game and continue placing text into Twine 
  2. In your area, which of these goals have been accomplished by the team?
    1. Both have been completed but game needs a visual enhancement 
  3. In your area, what are the team's goals for next week?
    1. Creating at least two new tracks and finish placing story into Twine 
  4. As an individual, what have you accomplished in the past week?
    1.  Getting a feel for the story to develop an audio track as well as implementing a color system for each characters dialogue 
  5. As an individual, what will you accomplish by next week to stay on time?
    1. Working on twine to further flush out story and progress as well as have two new audio tracks
  6. As an individual, what will you need to learn to accomplish these goals?
    1. A further feel of the tones we are trying to create 
  1. What were you playtesting? For example, an analog prototype with a description, a specific level of the alpha build, etc.
    1. We didn't have a clear idea as to what we wanted to be tested other than having the game b playable
  2. What did you want to learn through this playtest?
    1. We wanted our playtesters to learn what the game was about how their choices within the game would impact the story and outcome 
  3. Who were your playtesters? Do they represent your target audience?
    1. Our playtesters were college students and they would be part of our target audience 
  4. What did you observe? What did you see when they were playing? Did they interact the way you expected?
    1. Playtesters interacted as expected and were very excited to see the idea coming along together
  5. What questions did you ask your playtesters after they played the game
    1. What do you think so far? What more can we add or do? What's something you'd like to see
  6. What feedback did you receive from your players?
    1. More outcomes to the story
  7. What, if anything, will you do with that feedback? Did you learn anything?
    1. We'll finish placing the story into Twine and then see where we can further branch the story

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